My Philosophy
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Best of Both World's Family Childcare

It is my belief that the needs of young children can best be met in a home-like setting with the guidance of an educated, caring adult. Here, they have the opportunity to learn with a small group of other children, some younger than themselves, some older. They have the opportunity to go from being the baby of the group to being one of the “big kids” with additional privileges and responsibilities . This encourages children to see themselves as the capable, worthwhile individuals that they are. In addition, shared memories and photos from years spent together in a family childcare home create strong ties among us. For example, as each child reaches important milestones, I can share with the older children stories and photos of when they, too, met this milestone. These opportunities are something possible in family childcare but not in a larger facility. Since all learning is relationship based, these bonds are important to both a child’s educational and psychological well being.

In my home, children learn through interacting with their world and having others with whom to share their experiences.  As I plan what we do from week to week, I often use the current interests of the children as springboards for our themes.  As children engage with the world in a variety of experiences and have the chance to talk about these experiences, they develop the background knowledge that is essential for good progress in reading and other academic areas once formal education begins.  Therefore, it is my responsibility to:

1. Provide a place to enjoy being a child, with all the fun, silliness, wonder and joy that this should include. 

2. Provide age-appropriate play experiences which provide a foundation upon which future formal education will be based.  I will provide experiences to develop thinking in literacy/language, science, social studies, and math in fun, concrete ways.  Care will be taken to develop both large and small motor abilities.

3. Promote a love of books for the fun and information they provide.

4. Provide a place to continue learning and practicing the values of our society such as good manners, gratitude, respect, responsibility, caring for one another, and caring for our environment.

5. Promote the development of parent interest and involvement in his/her child's education through communication about the day's activities, in projects when possible, an open visitation policy, and an open line of communication with me regarding the progress, interests, or concerns a parent may have.


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"To teach is to touch lives forever." - Anonymous