Because I care about kids, I take these extra steps to protect their current and future health and well being.
Eco Healthy Childcare
Based on checklist from Oregon Environmental Council
Recent research has shown that the first few years of a child's life are critical to shaping his or her future health.
This list highlights simple steps I have taken to make my home as environmentally healthy as possible. These might be changes
you want to make in your home environment as well.
Pesticides and pest prevention
Pesticides are not used. Instead, non-toxic techniques are used both inside and outside the facility to prevent pests
(both weeds and insects)
Air quality
Conditions which lead to excess moisture are avoided and proper ventilation is used to discourage the growth of mold
and mildew.
I regularly clean the air filter on the furnace to help it work more efficiently.
To maintain good air quality, parents are encouraged to turn off their cars if the engine will be running longer than
thirty seconds. (This is also far safer than having a vehicle idling in the driveway.)
Scented candles or air fresheners are used rarely.
Smoking is never permitted on this property.
Household chemicals
Only biodegradable, non-toxic, mild, or least-toxic cleaning products are used.
Chlorine bleach is used when and where required by state regulations
No aerosol sprays are used.
Only low VOC latex pains are used and painting is not done when children are present.
Only digital thermometers are used, no mercury containing thermometers are on the premises.
To reduce the amount of mercury released into the environment as electricity is generated for my home, all bulbs are
compact florescent bulbs. These, along with used batteries, are securely stored and recycled (at Ikea). Bonus: This step
also reduces my electric bill.
Only cold water is used for drinking, cooking and making baby formula, and the water is allowed to run until it feels
noticeably cooler before being use.
Imported, old, or handmade pottery is not used to serve or store foods
A rough mat is supplied at the entrance for wiping of shoes and shoes are frequently not worn indoors.
Furniture and Carpets
Furniture is in good condition with no foam or inside stuffing exposed.Carpets are vacuumed daily and cleaned at least
twice a year with biodegradable cleaner.
Food is never heated in the microwave in plastic containers, wrap or bags.
Recycling and Garbage Storage
All paper/cardboard, glass, aluminum and plastics are recycled. (In Streamwood, plastics marked with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 7 are recyclable) I have the children help me find the recyling symbol and read the number inside.
Garbage is covered at all times to avoid attracting pests and minimize odors.
I do my best to purchase healthful, environmentally friendly foods for the children. Some of the food I serve is from
certified organic producers, some is from our backyard which is also organically grown. I use whole grain products when possible
and avoid "convenience" foods which tend to be highly processed and overly packaged. Both steps are healthier for
all of us as well as the environment. We also enjoy shopping at the Farmer's Market in the summer.
In case you, too, are interested in a greener way of life, here is some useful information:
Green Sources:
www.thegreenoffice.com paper
Gardens Alive: www.gardensalive.com (513) 354-1482
5100 Schenley Place, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025
This is my source for environmentally friendly products for my lawn and garden. Also has some home and pet care products.
Jewel now has an aisle that stocks organic food and non-toxic cleaners. I like the Citri Solve all purpose cleaner and
7th generation products. Yes, they are more expensive, but not so much so that I don’t think they re worth it.
Some of them last a long time as well.
Ikea recycles batteries and compact florescent bulbs. This is on the first level in the customer service area.